Friday, January 2, 2009


In the awesome movie Point Break, Patrick Swayze's character is called Bodhi, which is short for Bodhisatva, in the movie, they call him this because he's searching for the "perfect wave". This pushed me to look into the subject. I've found out that a "bodhisatva" is a Buddhist thing, someone searching for enlightenmnet, but more importantily enlightenment for others ahead of themselves. They strive to help others live a good, pure life, a life how's it's meant to be, I think that's pretty cool. We should all strive to help others, we should help others see that life is meant to be lived to its fullest, life is meant to be an experience, not a job, or a nuisance as so many people think these days. It really is sad what people have made life, always worrying about something, when their project deadline is, how much they make in a year, all this crap that doesn't really matter, they all miss out on so much because they worry, and most of the time, they are worrying about themselves, which is pretty much the saddest part. I feel really bad for people who don't strive to help other people, they are totally missing out, and they are making there life pretty much meaningless. To me, there are really very few things that matter in life, those few things are supremely important, those few things are God, friend, family and of course, helping other people, if we worry about all sort of other crap, we don't spend the time we should on the important stuff. We should all strive to change that.

Below is a little "visual" example of what a bodhisatva is, and I think it's an awesome one. Thanks to Wikipedia for it. Enjoy.

"The nature of the Bodhisattva is apparent from a teaching story in which three people are walking through a desert. Parched and thirsty, they spy a high wall ahead. They approach and circumnavigate it, but it has no entrance or doorway. One climbs upon the shoulders of the others, looks inside, yells "Eureka" and jumps inside. The second then climbs up and repeats the actions of the first. The third laboriously climbs the wall without assistance and sees a lush garden inside the wall. It has cooling water, trees, fruit, etc. But, instead of jumping into the garden, the third person jumps back out into the desert and seeks out desert wanderers to tell them about the garden and how to find it. The third person is the Bodhisattva."